Saturday, February 7, 2015

An Open Letter to the Evangelical Church

Ps 97:10  Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

Neil, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, separated from the world to be holy, baptized in fire by the Holy Spirit which we receive on the day of redemption by believing in the power and richness of the Gospel. To the evangelical church, called forth to be a holy and pleasing sacrifice for the glory of God. Peace and love to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank the Lord that He has given me the courage and love to share to you from my heart the concern I have for His creation. This is an exhortation of the love of Christ to deliver you from the hands of wickedness.

There are many of you who believe that over the course of years that God has changed His definition on the sanctity and design of marriage that is between one man and one woman for life. This is not a letter to the openly hostile and fallen people who believe that a perverted life in the flesh is for the unrepentant and hardhearted homosexual who believes he or she can remain in sin and join in a union of same-sex marriage. I have another letter for the enemies of God who cheapen the grace of Christ to remain in the flesh. This letter serves as a foundation that the homosexual cannot deny.  

This letter is to the evangelical who has already redefined marriage by believing that a divorce decree ends a one-flesh covenant between one man and one woman. This letter is to the single person or persons who believed he or she can join in holy matrimony with a divorced person. This letter is for the clergy who teach, preach, and believe that divorce offers those who partake in divorce a chance to remarry someone else. The time is now to repent of this false teaching and seek to restore marriage as the Lord Jesus Christ intended marriage to be from the beginning. (Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9)

The false presumptions of exception clauses and privileges do not coincide with a man or woman who is a new creation in Christ. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ cannot and must not be associated with the man or woman who believes a divorce ends a one-flesh marriage covenant. The sanctity of marriage starts with the evangelical church repenting of divorce and remarriage. We must not cheapen the grace of Christ by believing that ALL “remarriages” after divorce are nothing more than adultery.

The hypocrisy to divorce without grace to remain in marriage is evident in those who seek grace to remain in remarriage. Adultery is a sin that requires repentance. Any man or woman who openly vows to the Lord in a one-flesh marriage will stand accountable on the last day. God does not hold us accountable for others actions against us, He holds us accountable for our faith and how we remain obedient to Him. Marriage requires grace and mercy even unto death. Even in the most difficult and unimaginable of circumstances, the Lord remains with the one spouse who remains obedient to the vow of marriage. 

You deny the truth if you believe that God blesses remarriages on the basis of perceived blessedness in the lives of those who remarried. Earthly blessings are not always a measure of God’s love. Those who love the world do not love God. It is foolishness to believe that your remarriage is approved by God based on your earthly blessedness. If anything, you have already received your reward. Many on the last day will say, Lord, Lord…But your fruit of unrighteousness is evident in your willingness to believe a divorce allows for sanctified adultery.

The greatest calamity and judgment will fall on those who teach such things. Many big name evangelicals will be the first to answer for their false teaching in deceiving the masses with divorce and remarriage. These men and woman with titles will receive the worse punishment in the lake of fire. They have deceived and lied to preserve their own status only to find in the last day that the Lord will say, “I never knew you.” They are not unlike the Pharisees who received the worst scathing from the Lord because they scan the world to make one proselyte, and when he is made, he becomes twofold the son of hell than the one who taught him. This is evident in the many seminaries which teach heresy after heresy.


There is still time to repent. I beg you in the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, please repent before it is too late. The time is now to cast aside the belief that God has mercy on those who remain in adultery and do not call these remarriages sin. You become the hypocrite when you tell the homosexual to repent and leave their life of sin while you remain in your adultery remarriage. Judgment is coming down on you because of your stiff necks of remaining in adultery. The professing Christian homosexual’s push to pervert marriage ends when the evangelical church repents of adulterous remarriages. 

There is always mercy and grace at the cross. The Lord Jesus Christ came to save the sinner, not the righteous. Self-righteousness and pride are the attributes of the flesh, and not the Holy Spirit. Those who live for this world, and not the next, live in the flesh, and remarriage after divorce speaks more of a life in the flesh just as much as the homosexual who seeks to remain in sin. I beseech you in the name of Christ to fall down and repent of your adultery. End the sin of sanctified adultery and proclaim on the rooftops that divorce and remarriage is not acceptable to the one who is cleansed, redeemed, justified, and sanctified by the Lord Jesus Christ.   

May the peace of Christ and the mercies of God guide you to be led by the Holy Spirit and to shed the earthly lusts of the flesh, and to deliver your from the love of a world that is not our home.

In Christ’s love,


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