This would seem to most that this fall into an apostasy
should come as a surprise. However, if we read scripture, this fall into apostasy
is exactly what the Lord said would happen just prior to His return. At first glance, a believer should rejoice in
these times knowing that the Lord will return soon to make all things new. I do
rejoice, yet I believe that if we have a heart for the Lord, we cannot but feel
sadness and pain for those who are lost and will remain lost.
As believers, we should live in the righteousness of Christ.
We should hate sin, but love the sinner. We need to be salt and light. This
witness in our lives must include both grace and truth. When I see confessing
believers say that God recognizes homosexuality and that we should embrace
same-sex unions, I cannot help but feeling anger and disappointment for these
apostate people. Yet, all this pales in comparison to the blindness those who
believe in divorce and remarriage.
Perhaps the saddest realization of this redefining of
marriage is the destruction it causes to the family unit. Many see same-sex
marriage creating a perverted view of gender roles and social structure for generations’
to come. Yet lost in all this is the untold destruction that divorce and remarriage
has already inflicted on society. I personally believe that divorce and remarriage
has done more for the rise of evil in the family than any other device the
enemy has used over time. I will argue that
divorce and remarriage destroys lives for generations to come. If we take into
account that divorce and remarriage directly effects the individual lives of those
who experience it…then we are ready to do all that is in our power to end
divorce and remarriage.
I have written many blogs on this subject and every blog
supports the fact that God hates divorce and that all remarriages are unlawful.
What God hates more is the after effects of divorce. In fact, God has a word
for every “remarriage” after divorce. This word is “adultery”. If we seriously have a favorable view of
remarriage, we would have a foundation that is not on the rock…it is a
foundation on sand. No greater evidence is this when I see or read stories of
families struggling in remarriage. There are thousands of ministries on recovering
through divorce and remarriage. The majority of these have caved into believing
that divorce and remarriage is acceptable in certain instances. This is a foundation
of sand…
The past few weeks I listened to a few ministries that
support blended families. I want to be up front and clear that there are legitimate
blended families through widows and widowers who marry in the Lord (1 Cor 7:39) However, most of these ministries
account for “remarriages” after divorce. These ministries cause more harm than
anything they can add that will make us believe it is truth. In other words,
these ministries will use information that not only stands contrary to the word
of God, but these ministries will make the listener believe that their “remarriage”
is acceptable by the Lord.
If these ministries do not stand on the rock as a foundation,
they simply cannot give us good, sound, and truthful advice. This is the most
deceptive tool of the enemy. If we are not wary of our adversary, he will
devour us. The enemy has already entered into the pulpit of denominations that
have caved into accepting no-fault divorce. These men and women twist the word
of God to believe that marriage is not until death. Once this happens, the
enemy can redefine marriage on other levels.
When I hear these false messages of restoring blended families,
I cannot help to think of those who stand on the truth of God’s word. Imagine
if you will the parent who has to deal with a spouse who left a marriage and
divorced according to the laws of man. This prodigal spouse then remarries someone
else and demands that his or her children recognize the authority of this new stepparent.
The biological parent, that never wanted a divorce in the first place, is now
faced with a reality that his or her children have a stepparent. God calls this
unholy union adultery. Thus, these stepparents have no authority over these
This is difficult enough it were not for the fact that there
are ministries that acknowledge these false unlawful marriages. Ministries like
Focus on the Family and co-ministries Smart Stepfamilies support thousands of
these unlawful marriages. When I attempted to expose these false ministries by
giving the example that, what God hath joined together let no man separate…They
respond believing false teachings on MDR, then they ignore me and then they block
me. They will not respond in truth because they cannot respond in truth. These
ministries are instruments of the enemy and they are deceiving millions of
people. They will claim that they saved thousands of marriages, yet they will
not include that many of these “marriages” are unlawful marriages of adultery. Thus,
they claim they helped deceive these people…
This is very serious. I know that God sees all things and I
know that Christ will return to make all things new. Nevertheless, where do we
stand in all this? Do we pray for the return
of Christ knowing there is no hope for these false ministries, or do we pray
for revival? I am so saddened by these broadcasts and ministries that
continually deceive the masses. I want it to end. I really do…Yet, if we remain
passive and say not a word…What will Christ say to us? I can only do what God
has called me to do…Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove,
rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. I know that more than ever
that a time has come where many do not endure sound doctrine. The saddest part
of all is seeing this in denominations and ministries that claim the grace and
truth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I know there are many in ministries that support one
particular area such as poverty, child trafficking, abortion, persecution, and
social injustice. I know the Lord leads many to these noble ministries in the
name of Christ. Yet, I have been led down a road that many will not take. I do
not know why…I just know that I have compassion for the truth of marriage and I
have disdain for those who twist the word of God to support divorce and remarriage.
I equally disdain ministries that benefit and flourish off those deceived into believing
divorce and remarriage is an option. Nothing saddens me more than those who
ignore the redefining of marriage that has already taken place long before the first
same-sex couple walked down the aisle into apostasy.
This is my last post on this blog…for now.
I will leave this in God’s hands knowing I can only do so
much…knowing I can really do nothing at all. If anything comes out of this,
please know that my heart is for the grace and truth of Christ. I know that God
can restore all situations where we have no power to change on our own. This is
the picture of the Gospel. This is also true to any marriage where all seems
lost. If you believe God designed marriage and He stood in the presence of a
marriage vow…then it is best to trust Him to restore what He hath joined
together. If you are the only one trusting in Him to restore a prodigal, let Him
begin to restore you first. God wants each individual to submit to Him so that
His work will be complete in you. Never submit to anyone who believes that a
marriage is over. Only death ends a marriage and to believe otherwise is a lie
from the pits of Hell.
I leave you with Paul's final words to the Galatians...
Gal 6:12 As
many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be
circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. 13 For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep
the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.
14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the
cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I
unto the world.
15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth
any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.16 And as many as walk
according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.
17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks
of the Lord Jesus. 18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
your spirit. Amen.
In Christ’s love,
1 comment:
Thank you for standing for the truth.
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