First of all, it is not about me.
I am a born again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have by faith, put all my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who took all my sins, past, present and future, and covered them with His precious blood when He died on the cross of Calvary. My salvation is a gift from God the Father, therefore I did not earn it.( Eph 2:8-10) I have everlasting life because the Lord Jesus Christ defeated death by His glorious resurrection. I believe that He will come again to judge all humankind for everything they done and said as well as for what they left undone and unsaid. I am redeemed, I am covered in His righteousness and I am reconciled to the the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that since I have by faith trusted in His death and resurrection, He has given me the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts me of sin, gives me knowledge of His written word, gives me gifts for His work, and gives me the strength to give Him glory.
I am not a bible professor nor have I received formal bible training of any kind. I trust in the Holy Spirit to guide my actions and thoughts concerning this endeavor. I know that through my experiences and through the seeds I have sown, God has redeemed me for His glory. He has placed on my heart a love for His people. This love is demonstrated through His covenant of marriage between a man and a woman and what His word says about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. It is through my life experiences and the process of sanctification that God had shown His love, patience, and mercy in my life. It is my prayer that He guides me to honor His word and fulfill the task He has for me in giving Him all the glory.
The creation of Genesis 2 blog is to show the world that God instituted the covenant of marriage before sin entered His creation. This marriage covenant is good and His word is clear that no man may separate what He has joined together.
Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
For His glory,
I am a born again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have by faith, put all my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who took all my sins, past, present and future, and covered them with His precious blood when He died on the cross of Calvary. My salvation is a gift from God the Father, therefore I did not earn it.( Eph 2:8-10) I have everlasting life because the Lord Jesus Christ defeated death by His glorious resurrection. I believe that He will come again to judge all humankind for everything they done and said as well as for what they left undone and unsaid. I am redeemed, I am covered in His righteousness and I am reconciled to the the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that since I have by faith trusted in His death and resurrection, He has given me the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts me of sin, gives me knowledge of His written word, gives me gifts for His work, and gives me the strength to give Him glory.
I am not a bible professor nor have I received formal bible training of any kind. I trust in the Holy Spirit to guide my actions and thoughts concerning this endeavor. I know that through my experiences and through the seeds I have sown, God has redeemed me for His glory. He has placed on my heart a love for His people. This love is demonstrated through His covenant of marriage between a man and a woman and what His word says about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. It is through my life experiences and the process of sanctification that God had shown His love, patience, and mercy in my life. It is my prayer that He guides me to honor His word and fulfill the task He has for me in giving Him all the glory.
The creation of Genesis 2 blog is to show the world that God instituted the covenant of marriage before sin entered His creation. This marriage covenant is good and His word is clear that no man may separate what He has joined together.
Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
For His glory,
I read your piece concerning Ron Deal and the Blended Family that appeared on Focus on the Family. As an epiphany of sorts took place in my life in recent months, the subject was brought to the forefront for me. I winced at what you said, not because I disagreed but because it is what I have come to realize and I know that it is something that would go down for the majority of people as "this is too hard to follow."
I'm in that point now that I don't want to be a flame thrower, particularly when I know that it has taken me 16 painful years to have my eyes opened after falling very hard into an inexplicable situation. And I struggle with the issue of remarriage and continuous adultery , not because I can't accept it but now I wonder what am I doing if I keep my mouth shut. No one, NOT A PERSON, said to me the hard truth. In fact, not until this summer did my true spouse speak to me in such a manner that I was so angry that I wanted to shove his nose in the issue of forgiveness and restitution. It was I who walked out on him after I committed adultery and married the other person. I knew I was wrong - I was so sorry but thought that at least marrying the man would make it better. 16 years of separation from God brought me to the point that I was ready to hear reproach. Even then, my "spouse of original origin" didn't say anything but snarl at me/it was in my search to find an answer to his nastiness that the truth slapped me upside the head and I saw what his continued anger with me was about. I figure he considered me in a continued state of adultery and a lack of repentance. I have spent several months now , finally getting back in God's Word which I could not touch during that long period of separation. What I thought I had figured out seems confirmed and so now, as I hear things like "blended families" and the like, I cringe. I had no idea - and I knew the Bible and I loved the Lord but I managed to turn into someone who I did not know and I forgot everything. Or at least I couldn't remember things that I knew in my heart and soul but could not make sense of in a state of fracture. The Lord didn't leave me during that time - I could not look at Him. I could not understand His words. I could not look at myself.
So , you haven't been on this page in a while and I have no idea if you will see this. But I wanted to say that I am still at a loss as to what all to do in some respects but I have stepped away from the relationship that would be sin in my Father's eyes and I am working through what to do next I have not yet spoken with my actual covenant husband. There will be no reuniting. He remarried and as he says, he does not hate me; he is indifferent to me. He doesn't care and the contempt in his voice is palpable I frankly would not want to be with someone who could be indifferent to a human being; particularly one begging him to not be so harsh and harming our family that can't heal. But he did do the right thing, one way or the other. He made me so upset with his words that I rushed to God's Word to rebuke him or confront him, challenge him and ended up reading more and gradually becoming aware of how my life appeared to anyone who was watching. This is rambling so I'll stop. I am at peace now. I cannot control the outcome. I will write my "husband" "real husband in God's eyes" and thank him for being used of God to wake me up and reunite me to my loving Father. I don't need anything more now and can deal with my life as it goes but I do want to not bury this and allow others to live in the same oblivion I was in . RIght now, I'm just waiting on God to give me guidance. But again, thank you. It was "good" in many ways to read your words as the Blended Family spots on the radio had bothered me with the mixed up message. God bless, a restored prodigal.
Dear Jeanne, I do read the comments and what a breath of fresh air to read yours. Praise the Lord! God is doing some amazing work in the hearts and minds of His children. Thank you for sharing your testimony and please know dear sister that you are not alone. There are many "standers" who are willing to pray for you and support your stand.
The best thing to do now is pray that eyes and ears would be open to the truth. Your actions are a witness to remaining obedient to God's word and they are also a witness to God's love. The Lord is patient with us and now more than ever we need witnesses such as you to shine the light of Christ by remaining true to vows of covenant. The world will not accept this as many believe that marriage is a contract rather that marriage is a representation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As believers we are called to a higher standard that requires obedience and faith in Christ. There is few greater witnesses to this then covenant marriage. Praise the Lord that He has plucked your heart strings in this season. Continue to be a witness to others in your circle of influence and stand true to your convictions knowing that many must hear the truth of one-flesh covenant marriage.
God Bless you!
In Christ's love,
Jeanne, well done and very well said! My story is almost identical to yours. I am in the process of leaving right now. the first few months were difficult and lonely but then God led me to groups of people who believe the same thing. I was overjoyed not to be alone anymore! There are facebook pages committed to this truth with the word remarriage in the titles. Checkout and my own blog and story. this group is so supportive and kind. I'm so thankful. You're doing the right thing and you don't have to be alone. Praying for you!
As Neil said you are not alone. If you get a chance visit
There are more testimonies of those leaving adulterous marriages.
You will also find links to support/fellowship groups who will stand with you and encourage you. you follow Him.
It seems that reading about experiences like Jeanne's and like Alisha's give many standers who were abandoned by believing spouses due to an adulterous relationship some very valuable insights into what their one-flesh is going through in the Far Country. God continues to ardently pursue, does He not?
I'd like to gently challenge Jeanne - as is sometimes necessary in the event that their Christian heritage is Calvinist, and they've been told that one "can't lose their salvation". This is the twin heresy to the marriage heresy that emerged from the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. One would not have thrived without the other, and you can see why. A prayerful study of the book of Hebrews, plus some due meditation on John 15, and the branches that are thrown into the fire and burned, will easily dispel this heresy for anyone who wants the truth. Having said all that, I can now get to my point. Jeanne, if your covenant husband dies in his remarriage adultery, 1 Cor. 6:9-10 and Gal. 5:19-21 will apply to him. He's in peril of his soul just for living in a permanent state of unforgiveness (Matt. 18:23-35). Only in the eyes of men is he "married" to anyone else. He is one-flesh with you, exclusively. God joined him to you, exclusively. Many prodigals do what you've just done, and you must pray that he will, too. For nothing will be impossible with God!
Another excellent FB page you and Alisha might check out is fairly new. It's called Public Testimonies of Repenting from Adulterous Marriages, run by yet another marriage warrior, Sharon Henry, who also came out of a non-covenant marriage to another woman's husband. It has a companion page that I think is a secret page where I understand that people currently working through the process can encourage one another privately.
I believe with all my heart that when revival spreads across the land, the evangelical world is going to be shocked and horrified as the Lord moves people to recover their lost inheritance in the kingdom of God, and the cowardly apostasy of pastors who subscribed to altered doctrine in the 1970's accommodating "no-fault" divorce are going to be exposed for all the false "marriages" they solemnized without God's participation.
Jeanne, may you be greatly blessed of the Lord as you yield to His direction in sharing your testimony. We who stand for marriage permanence are encouraged. I have been standing now for 34 years.
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